Everyone Has a Bikini Body
Everyone has a bikini body. Last summer, Anna Johnson and I orchestrated a body reclamation event. We did an entire shoot centered around celebrating our bodies, and after, Jessica Diskson and I lead a group discussion on body image.
My heart was moved as these women courageously opened up and shared their stories about their relationship with their bodies.
I hope you know … if you’re struggling to feel at peace with your bikini body, you’re not the only one. More than that, it isn’t your fault—it makes perfect sense considering the culture we’re raised in.
Part of reclaiming your body is recognizing the structures and systems that keep you at war with it. Unpacking all the unhelpful notions and narratives that were inherited—and never innately yours. And surrounding yourself with others who are open and honest about their own struggles, and supportive to yours. Creating a body positive bubble as much as you can.
If you are looking to heal your relationship with your body, EmpowerHer Coaching might be the support you’re looking for.
Try this workout if you don’t have to have a lot of time to workout, despite the fitness industry demanding to get an hour in.
Full, bold embodiment is such a rare thing in a culture hell-bent on separating us from our truths.
Shifting your relationship with your body is not about what you say to yourself when you look in the mirror– it’s about all the ways you show up to live your life exactly as you please.
If you are struggling with how you feel in your body and feel like everyone else has moved on– you are not at all alone.
Stretching can make me feel amazing and sometimes I go through the motions because it makes such a difference in how I feel overall.
Better sex, clearer desires, more playfulness, “feel good” exercise habits, ease in relationships to food, these are some of the outcomes people report coming out of my coaching program.
Have you ever seen a woman so strikingly self assured, she isn't afraid to ask for what she wants?
Movement gets to be uniquely yours, and when you come to work with me—we discover what that looks like for you.