The Best Way to Move Your Body and Feel Good

The best way to move your body is in a way that feels empowering and enjoyable to you.

When my clients begin working with me, I let them know I am not another coach who tells them my workouts are superior, that it’s mandatory. My workouts are only but an option, because there are countless ways to move—and I encourage them to explore it.

My clients follow the workouts I provide some of the time, and most of the time—they roller skate, they hike, they swim, they practice yoga, they dance, they walk.

They learn to move without rules.

Exercise becomes easier when we stop forcing ourselves to follow agendas. When we’re realistic about the time and energy we have available to us. When we let go of the idea that it needs to look a certain way, and take a certain amount of time. When we abandon the idea that it’s for changing our body’s—and make it about connecting to our body’s, and having fun.

Here are a few questions to explore and guide you in moving enjoyably and mindfully:

  • How can you honor your body in a way that feels enjoyable and meets you exactly where you’re at today?

  • What do you have time and the energy for?

  • What sounds fun?

  • What is your body craving?

Wishing you sweet sweat!



What Would Your Future Self Thank You For Today? 


How Comfortable Do You Feel In Your Body?