How Comfortable Do You Feel In Your Body?

It was a brutally cold night in Manhattan and I decided the cozy move would be to order delivery. So I ordered Italian.

As I waited for delivery, I had sex with my then-partner, because what’s better than food showing up right after sex? 😏

I finished, he finished, and then the food arrived. Does it get any better?

The answer is yes.

And it did.

I was sitting on the couch, completely naked, after devouring chicken parmesan. I laid sprawled out, with a full belly—exposing every part of my body, without a care, a worry, not even a hint of self-consciousness.

And then it hit me... how comfortable I felt in my body and how profoundly different that allowed me to show up.

This was 4 years ago, and only a year & a half after feeling mostly healed from eating disorders and intense body dysmorphia.

It was a very monumental moment in my journey. I finally got a full taste of the deliciousness we call food freedom and body acceptance.

The restraints were removed and I could finally order whatever I craved most, and eat it butt naked, after a little bedroom rendezvous.

Ever since, it’s become a thing, a ritual you could say; I loved that moment so much, it had to live on.

So now, it’s not unusual for me to look at a partner after sex and say, “What are your thoughts on having a post-coital snack? Because I’m hungry.”

These are the juicy moments that come when we liberate ourselves through healing 😋💦

If you’re looking to heal your relationship with food, your body, and your juicy self so you can show up as your fully expressed, uninhibited self - I’d love to support you. Click below to learn more about coaching.


The Best Way to Move Your Body and Feel Good


The Way We Feel Impacts Our Mental Health