Frustrating Myths in the Fitness Industry

Frustrating myths the fitness industry yells at you:

“Everyone has an hour in their day!”

Maybe, maybe not. and maybe, we don’t have an hour to give because something more important came up. maybe, the very idea that we need to give an entire hour to exercise in the first place is 💀flawed💀.

the truth is our energy levels fluctuate, life gets busy, other priorities arise—and maybe, it’d more effective to ask, what does my schedule look like this week and how does movement fit into that?

“You need to workout for 60+ minutes in order for it to be effective.”

This perfectly ties in with the last myth, you can still reap all the benefits of exercise from short intervals of movement. if all you’ve got is 10 minutes, fckn perfect, that’s good enough.

“Every workout should be all out! Push HARDER. No pain, no gain!!”

What if we’re more interested in honoring our body, instead of bypassy quotes?

Sometimes you don’t have the energy in your tank or the mental stamina, sometimes your body actually requires ease. and sometimes, just showing up is good enough.

ps, please never push through pain, dear god.

“You need to burn calories!”

Movement becomes a lot more exciting when we forget the calorie burning effect, and let go of the idea that we need to change our body.

What about working out for the sheer joy of it? What about moving your body in a way that thrills and delights and excites you?

Takeaway: honor what feels right and most appropriate, be honest about what aligns with your schedule, and most importantly…make it fun.

Wishing you joy and sweet sweat!

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