The Way We Feel Impacts Our Mental Health

Hey you,

How are you feeling this time of year?

Like on a scale of The Grinch to Buddy The Elf, where are you at?

I’ve been having all sorts of conversations with friends and with clients, and I am just noticing extra stickiness and heaviness. And a lot more than usual.

Because no doubt, this time of year can feel incredibly triggering, overwhelming, isolating, heavy, and bring up so much in us. It has for me almost every year. And then we layer that with the trauma, the fear, the emotional upheaval that we've endured these last two years.


Let's not bypass this, please.

This is something to really honor and consider and be gentle with.

And this is hugely why I consider all of this within my coaching.

This idea you're being sold - that going to the gym and counting your macros will change the way you feel about yourself WITHOUT any consideration to the fact that you've been surviving a pandemic for the last two years isn't really health promoting.

When you're feeling the weight of the world, and maybe your nervous system is dysregulated as fuck and you're being told, "Oh just track your food."

RED FLAG 🚩 🚩 🚩

The way we feel, our emotions, our mental well-being, our nervous system dramatically impacts the way we show up for ourselves, the way we feel about ourselves, and the way we navigate our world.

It's not something to deflect, it's something to consider.

When it comes to changing the way you feel about yourself and taking care of yourself it is layered, there are multiple things to consider, and look at. Fitness and nutrition alone won't cut it - although it is glorified that way.

When I'm working with my clients it is intimate, and personal, and shaped around them because when you work with me, we are there to honor YOUR process. We are there to honor the fears that come up when you enter into a new space, start something new, embark on a healing journey, and all the other things that come up.

My goal as a coach is to support you, honor you, and hold space for you especially when things feel heavy and sticky - as they sometimes do.

If this is the type of support you're looking for and you're needing a soft space to land, I would love to be that cozy little home for you.

Apply here to learn more about working together.

Sending you big, big, big love and massive amounts of warmth.




How Comfortable Do You Feel In Your Body?


Healing Starts Here