Habits to Ditch to Help Heal Body Image

Here are a few habits to ditch and habits to try that have been extremely helpful in my coaching practice with clients.

Ditch this:

Keep clothes that don’t fit you as a way to “motivate yourself” to lose weight

Try this:

Shop and buy clothes for the body you have now; get rid of clothes that no longer fit you

Ditch this:

Body checking (compuslively checking your body in the mirror)

Try this:

Focus on how you feel in your body as opposed to how you look

Ditch this:

Stepping on the scale

Try this:

Instead of weighing yourself everyday, checkin with yourself everyday. How are you feeling? What do you and your body need today?

Ditch this:

Following fitness and diet pages

Try this:

Follow positive and anti-diet pages

Ditch this:

Setting goals to change your body

Try this:

Set goal that allow you to honor and connect deeper to your body

Play around with it, see how it feels and how it shifts things for you.

If you feel like you would benefit from more one-on-one guidance and support as you heal your relationship with your body and yourself—I’d be honored to be that space and support for you.


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