We are Not Defined by our Insecurities

Insecurities are part of the human experience, and we are not defined by those insecurities.

When you closely identify with anything, or hold a fixed mindset, it challenges your ability to evolve and change.

For example, saying, “I’m just an insecure person,” is another way to reinforce that belief. You’re not giving yourself the opportunity to explore what’s going on, and work through those feelings.

Simply changing your language and saying, “I am an insecure person” to “I’m feeling insecure about xyz” gives more room and space to investigate, unpack, and overcome.

Language is everything and it shapes our reality and being mindful of the way we speak to ourselves and about ourselves is vital to your healing and evolution.

What beliefs and stories are you reinforcing that’s stymieing your growth? What would happen if you gave space to compassionately explore what’s present for you, instead of identifying or running away from it?


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