Your Body is Going to Change

Your body is going to change because bodies are designed to change.

Yet, the majority of womxn grapple with this reality and will go through extreme lengths to achieve whatever society currently dems as acceptable.

You’ve been taught that your appearance is the most important thing about you, and directly tied to your worth. So, you try to keep up with the standard no matter how exhausting (and expensive!) it is, because you just want to be accepted.

As we know, acceptable is ever-changing, ever-evolving, ever-unrealistic and will forever hold you back from feeling worthy for as long as you feed into this narrative.

And let’s say, you do achieve the aspired aesthetic, now you’re going to spend all your time ensuring you maintain the look.

This narrative is what keeps you at war with your body and prevents you from living a purposeful, meaningful life.

It’s time to put an end to this madness, because you’re so so so much more than the way you look.

Can you imagine a life where you spend less energy on the pursuit of smallness and spent more time on things that actually matter?

Doesn’t that sound liberating?

It’s time to start living your life and stop letting your body hold you back. Join me inside of EmpowerHER Coaching, and I’ll walk you through the steps so you can experience radical freedom and self-love.

Head to the link HERE apply 😘


Dealing with Energy Vampires


Hating Yourself is Learned and You Can Unlearn it