What You Need to Know About Boundaries

If you’re having a difficult time setting boundaries, here are some reminders:

♥️ You. Are. Worthy.

You’re worthy of being treated with respect, care, love, and have every right to ask for such.

⏰ Give yourself time to respond.

You’re not obligated to give anyone an immediate answer. Rather than give the impulsive yes, reply with, “I’m not sure. I’ll get back to you.”

This gives you the space to process and decide if you have the bandwidth or if you even want to do it all.

☝️ You are responsible for teaching people how to treat you.

How do you want to be treated in your relationships? What are you teaching someone when you allow them to do xyz?

🙅‍♀️ No is an answer.

No is a complete sentence. You do not need to explain yourself.

☠️ People who don’t have boundaries won’t respect yours.

🥰 Your life’s work isn’t to make other people happy, especially when it trickles down to the expense of your own happiness. You’re not responsible for other peoples happiness. You’re responsible for your happiness.

Set those boundaries, babe.


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