What to do When You've Been Ghosted
GHOSTING 👻 A form of rejection without any explanation. A ghost will show up in your life and suddenly vanish as if they never existed. You see me, and now you don’t.
Some ghosts appear to simply say, “boo.” Some like to hang around and play mind tricks on you, “let me get your feelings invested and then I’ll disappear when you least expect it.”
And there you sit, bewildered, trying to solve a mystery, scratching for answers.
Here’s what you need to know: no response is a response. You just gathered important information about this person:
🔍 they‘re inconsiderate of how their actions might effect others
🔍 they don’t respect you or your time
🔍 they’re incapable of having an honest conversation
You’re a queen. And queens don’t waste their precious time on people like that.
So, moving forward, if you encounter a ghost, and you find yourself having that internal dialogue of, “What’s wrong with me? What did I do?”
I want to invite you to re-frame the conversation, because ghosting is a them problem. Not a you problem.
To have an internal dialogue that expresses gratitude and doesn’t sabotage your worth. A conversation like, “This person just taught me that their everything on my “absolutely fucking not” list and now I can invest my energy on someone who is worthy of my time.”
You deserve people in your life who respond to your texts, who can be honest, and who want to be involved with you.
Don’t be chasing those ghosts, boo 👻