Why NOT Setting Goals is Necessary

Over the past year, I haven’t tracked my macros or followed a fitness program, intentionally. I‘ve kinda sorta been in “maintenance.” In other words, I still showed up to my workouts and ate mindfully, but I’ve been relaxed about it.

...sometimes a little too relaxed. And it was very much needed.

Since high school, I’ve been consistently following protocols and constantly working toward a goal: lose body fat, build muscle, gain strength. I was perpetually going from one goal to the next.

That shit gets exhausting after awhile. And to be frank, I felt a bit jaded by the monotony of it all; going to the gym, lifting shit, putting it down, plugging my food into a calculator, tracking my progressions.

So, I decided to refrain from goal setting and kinda just do whatever the fuck I felt like doing. Sometimes that meant 15 minutes workouts, other times it meant 45 minutes, and occasionally it just meant moving my body to a few songs.

Listen, you don’t have to be doing and achieving all the time. Too often, we jump from task to task, goal to goal. As a result, we wind up bunt out, and yet despite our exhaustion, we continue to hustle.

I want to invite you to slow down. To do less. To just play. To have fun. To stop taking things in life so seriously, especially your damn fitness routine.

Chill the fuck out.

Slow is ok. Doing less or even nothing at all is ok. Change is ok. Being lazy is ok. In fact, it’s necessary. You’re human and human bodies don’t function well under loads of stress. You need rest. You need time from doing. You need space to recenter. Not just on your fitness journey, but from everything in life.

Give yourself those *mandatory* breaks. You deserve it. You need it.

To chilling the fuck out,



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