The Truth About Confidence

Let’s dispel the myth that’s floating around about confidence 🧙‍♀️

Society has conditioned us to believe confidence comes externally. That it’s defined by our successes, the money in our bank accounts, our appearance, and how popular we are.

Regina George is a perfect example of why this is morbidly untrue. She portrays the perceived image of perfection: dresses to the nines, hair is well-groomed, makeup is flawless, comes from a wealthy family, everyone likes her, wants to be her.


It’s all a facade—an illusion covering up what’s really bubbling below the surface. We all know she’s struggling internally; she constantly needs validation from others and she feels like she has to be perfect to be be enough.

So while she has the money, the looks, the popularity...all the things that supposedly are believed to give you confidence—we see throughout the movie, she’s crumbling from within. The minute she doesn’t have validation or falls short from perfection, confidence is stripped right away from her.

This is the reason we have such a difficult time actualizing confidence. We’re chasing after all these external things and complying to the fallacy that in order to feel confident, you have to be perfect and look perfect.

Heed my words, darlings, because I’m about to reveal veracities that could dramatically shift your life:

  • Confidence isn’t created externally, it’s created internally.

  • Confidence isn’t about being perfect, it’s accepting you’re imperfect and making friends with those imperfections.

Confidence is kinda about...being comfortable with how wonderful you’re not (🤷‍♀️). It’s being okay with knowing you’re wrong sometimes. That you’re flawed. Awkward. Strange. Weird.

We think confident people can’t be insecure, painfully shy, or anxious. They can’t stutter, choke up, or say stupid shit. They can’t have cellulite or stretch marks or excess fat. In reality, confident people are okay with being all of that.

Sheer confidence is about how YOU feel about yourself internally and independently of anyone else. It’s owning the fuck out of who you are, including the things that make you a fucking human (🎤🤯).




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