The Power of Masturbation

Are you touching yourself? Like all up on (and in) yourself? Because you should be.

It’s truly irksome and utterly bewildering that masturbation is for whatever reason still considered taboo. That sex with someone else is more normal than sex with yourself. Sex is such is a powerful and beautiful way to foster a deeper, more intimate connection with someone. Including with yourself. Thee most important connection of all.

Like, hello, self fucking love.

But here’s something else to ponder: if you don’t feel comfortable touching your own body, how are you supposed to feel comfortable with someone else touching it?

As I’ve discussed many times before, in order to feel confident in a space with someone else, it starts with you. YOU have to feel comfortable with you. If you’re eager to experience more confidence, more pleasure, more arousal in the bedroom—masturbation will help you actualize your desire.

Self-exploration is one of the fastest ways to discover what makes you tick. And when spend time getting to know your body, you can then replicate and communicate it with someone else. You can teach them what turns you on, which makes it easier for them to please you, allowing for more orgasmic sex (YAY!! 🤤). And I mean, what’s more attractive than communication?

So, feel yourself—every part of yourself. Playing with yourself is a glorious thing.

Whose going to masturbate today?

Happy Orgasms,


Want more tools on how to feel confident in the bedroom? Click HERE to download my FREE guide, Sex With The Lights On.


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