Motivation in Quarantine

If you’re finding it difficult to do things, to get going, to be motivated during a world pandemic—welcome to the club of normalcy. It’s okay, babe. You don’t have to be productive 🗣

Feelings of exhaustion and burnout are completely valid—even when you feel like most of your days are spent doing nothing.

The world feeds you the idea and guilt trips into thinking you have more time available in quarantine.

Do you really, though?

The time we’re living in affects us in more ways than we can even comprehend; we’re experiencing loneliness, uncertainty, fear, anxiety, depression while having to constantly process all of this every single day.


Of course you’re tired and drained and can’t bring yourself to do anything more than lay in bed and binge watch Tiger King (or in my case, Harry Potter ⚡️).

You don’t need to put pressure on yourself to “MAKE 2020 YOUR BEST YEAR YET!!!”

And what if...what if for a moment, you redefined what success looks like in 2020?

What if success right now looks like practicing the sweetness of doing nothing? Of loving yourself even when things get left undone? Of accepting where you’re at and how you’re feeling without judgement?

Give yourself permission to be, to relax, to not do. And remind yourself, your worth isn’t dependent upon your productivity and achievements.

Be easy on yourself.




It's Okay if You Gain Weight.


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