I was taught very little about sex growing up, but the little I did learn kept me from feeling comfortable to explore it, to experience it, and to express it.

I haven’t always felt comfortable in my sexuality. To be honest, it took me awhile to get to where I am now. But can you blame me?

We live in culture that sexualizes women and then tells them their wrong for being sexual. We’re constantly inundated with messaging that shames sex and then encourages sex.

The conditioning we’re exposed to is confusing and contradicting and leads to repression, shame, embarrassment, fear, and secrecy.

And I won’t stand for it anymore. 

It is my absolute mission to use my voice to help remove the stigma, encourage women to explore their bodies, and embrace their sexuality in whatever way is authentic to them.

And that's exactly what I teach inside my FREE guide Sex With The Lights On. Inside this guide, you will learn how to effectively communicate with your partner(s), discover what's holding you back and how to heal from it, and so much more. 

Download the guide here, boo. It's time for you to feel confident as fuck in the bedroom.



Are You Skipping The Most Important Step?


Stop Disempowering Yourself