Change Your Body without Dieting

My approach to fat loss is pretty unorthodox.

There’s no restriction.
There’s no meal plan.
There’s no room for perfection.

Now, all of those things can be helpful for fat loss; there’s no denying that.

And, since that’s why my clients are working with me, one would think I would use every tool available to help them do that.

But I don’t. Because my job isn’t just to help them lose fat. It’s to help them create a lifestyle.

Of course, I want my clients to reach their aesthetic goals while they’re working with me. But I also realize they’re not going to work with me forever. And that’s the important part.

Years ago, I struggled like my clients struggle; like you struggle. Up and down. Gain and lose. And that’s the last thing I want for the women who’ve come to rely on me to help them make changes.

There’s NOTHING fun about losing weight through a bunch of insanely restrictive modalities just to gain it back when you invariably (and inevitably) start eating more reasonably.

I want my clients to have long-term success—the kind that lasts long after they’ve stopped working with me.

For that, we need sustainability. Above all.

Restriction isn’t sustainable. Meal plans aren’t sustainable. Perfectionism isn’t sustainable.

TRYING to sustain them leads to the familiar restrict/binge cycle:

Restriction ➡️ deprivation ➡️ temptation ➡️ surrender ➡️ guilt

Wouldn’t it be nice if it stopped there? But oh no. Then there’s the Monday morning vow to NEVER do it again...

...until next time.

When you practice restriction, your entire experience of life becomes an endless sprint on a dietary and emotional hamster wheel.


When you practice moderation, you‘re in control. Consistent exposure to food allows you to operate from an abundance mindset.

THAT’S what I teach: to break up with deprivation and free women from that cycle.

And it works. Check out my clients results:

It doesn’t just work temporarily, it works long-term. That’s the important part. That’s the difference.

So, for those who are ready to get unstuck, here’s what I want you to do…

Click to the link HERE, and let’s work together. Let me help you get out of this cycle ⚡️



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