4 ways to feel confident in YOUR bikini body

From Bikini Body Challenges to magazine articles challenging us to “Get Bikini Body Ready,” we are constantly bombarded with this idea that we need to be lean, with perfectly clear and airbrushed looking skin to have a bikini body. 

Society is robbing us from our ability to accept and embrace our bodies exactly as they are right now. 

I’m sick of it. Aren’t you?

Don’t you want to reclaim your summers, your vacations and even your life? Oh girl, fuck yeah you do! 

This is how I suggest you do just that: 

Breakup with the ideal image of a “bikini body”

Society has perpetuated the concept that your body has to look a certain way in order to put a bikini on. But the truth is, every single person has a bikini body, because all they have to do is put a bikini on their body and viola - they have a bikini body. 

This bigoted idea of what a “bikini body” is supposed to look like is absolutely ridiculous. 

It strips us from showing up powerfully in our skin and is another way of deeming certain women unworthy of putting on a bikini. 

Your body is enough exactly as it is. You do not need permission nor do you need to follow unsolicited prerequisites to put on a bikini this summer. 

Action Step:

Go through your social media accounts and unfollow people who you compare yourself to or make you feel less. Follow more accounts that promote body positivity and self acceptance. This small action step can make a huge difference on how you feel about yourself and your body. 

Accept your “flaws” 

Having cellulite on the back of your thighs, stretch marks on your stomach and rolls as you move into different positions is not disgusting and it’s not a flaw - this is just something your body does and it’s completely normal. 

Sure, you don’t have to necessarily love these things about your body but you can start to bring awareness to these things without judging it or letting it dictate how you feel about yourself. You can accept it for what it is and move on with your day. These things are apart of your body but they certainly do not define your body. 

These things are normal and you are not flawed for having them. 

Action Step:

Normalize these things and call it for what it is: “cellulite,” “stretch marks,” “fat” instead of associating it with words like flawed, disgusting, gross, or ugly.

Be naked more

The majority of us don’t even feel comfortable being naked when we are alone, let alone being practically naked in front of a crowd of people. It can put you in a vulnerable and uncomfortable position when you are completely exposed and unable to cover up. I get it because I too felt this way. So how do you get comfortable with the uncomfortable? You do exactly that - you get comfortable being naked by being naked more.

Stand in front of the mirror naked (with positive thoughts). Walk around the house naked. Sleep naked. Get ready naked. Celebrate your body in it’s most natural state by being naked more. Stop covering yourself up in your own company. Embrace your body and all that it offers you and Take. It. Off.

Action Step:

Get naked! 

Wear a suit that makes you feel comfortable


Ignore any guide on what type of bathing suit you should wear for your body type because it’s irrelevant. You don’t need anyone’s permission to wear a certain suit. 

You don’t have to cover up or hide certain body parts, but If you want to hide or cover up certain body parts, you can absolutely do so. If you have small boobs, you don’t have to buy a bikini with extra padding. If you are curvy, you do not have to cover up with a one piece. If you have cellulite or stretch marks, you do not have to find a suit that will hide it. 

You can wear whatever you feel most comfortable in and you don’t have to apologize for it. 

Action Step:

Go shopping!! Try on a variety of different colors and styles until you find a suit (or three) that make you feel good in your bikini body. 

I hope that you found these 4 tips helpful and most importantly, put them to use! 

With love, 

Devon Day

P.S. HUGE shoutout to my dude, Andrew Downing, for shooting these amazing photos and helping me get all these beautiful women together to promote body positivity. 

Want to learn how to feel more confident in your body? Download the Love Your Body Now guide! A 6 week program designed to help you love your body more. 


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